Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Google App Engine for Java SDK 1.2.2 Released

Google announced on July 13, 2009, the availability of a new Google App Engine for Java SDK 1.2.2.

This is largely a bugfix release, but there are a few new features:
  • The appcfg upload tool includes proxy support.
  • JDO and JPA support an extension that lets you mark individual fields as "unindexed."
  • At long last, the dev appserver has a data viewer. Start your app locally and point your browser to http://localhost:8080/_ah/admin to check it out.
  • The local datastore now has the same transaction behavior as the production datastore.
  • You can issue ancestor queries inside transactions.
more details>>

If you installed GWT and Google App Engine using Eclipse with Google Eclipse Plug-in, as described in my previous article "GWT + Google App Engine@Eclipse x Google Eclipse Plug-in", you can update Google App Engine inside Eclipse.

Start Eclipse and, click Help -> Software Updates

High-light Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.1 and click Update...

Eclipse can find the update 1.2.2 automatically, just click Finish.

After updated, you will be asked to re-start Eclipse. That's all.